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Sprintcars Queensland


Membership, Licensing & Car Registration Info

2024/25 Membership, licensing and Registration is now available on the SCCA Online portal Login | Fueled Licensing  Note - it is a new system, so you will have to create a new login and password.

Please read the information below first, and then once the online system is open for 2024/25 you will be able to click on the Online link to proceed.

NOTE - If applying for a SCCA License, you will need to have your Medical completed before applying, so you can upload a copy of it during the application process.  If you don't, your application will be rejected and you will have to do it again.

DRIVER Only Information:

CLICK HERE FOR 2024/25 SCCA Medical* Form

(Speedway Aust Medical form is also acceptable) A digital copy of the Medical is now acceptable, providing it is legible.  Original copies are not required, providing the scanned copy is legible.  Medicals are only valid to lodge up to 3 months from date of Medical.



Club Membership, SCCA Licences and Registrations are only valid from 1 July to 30 June each year. You will be required to provide a head shot during the application process.

ONLINE Licensing NEW LINK:  Click Here

If you are competing a Speedway Australia recognised Venue - you are also required to hold a Speedway Australia Licence.  To obtain a Speedway Australia Licence CLICK HERE

Types of Club Membership - 2024/25:

Driver/Owner Membership - Full Voting Rights  $154

Full Club Membership - Voting rights (excl car/driver related decisions)  $110

Associate Membership - No voting rights  $20

Other Fees/Packages - 2024/25:

SCCA Rule Book $22

SCCA Log Book $16.50

Total Fees for Driver/Car Owner combined => $522.50

  (Club Membership Fee, SCCA License, SCCA Car Registration, SCCA Rule Book & Log Book) 

Total Fees for Driver Only => $341

  (Club Membership Fee, SCCA License, SCCA Rule Book) 

Total Fees for Car Owner Only => $357.50

  (Club Membership Fee, SCCA Car Registration, SCCA Rule Book & Log Book) 


 1.  Neville Sutherland

  2.  Robert Evans

  3.  Robert (Bob) Kelly

  4.  John Dean

 5.  Rick Hodges (deceased)

  6.  Mark Wode 

  7.  John Kelly

  8.  Lyn Turner

 9.  Kathy Kelly

10.  Clem Hoffmans

11.  Bill Mann


*  Hi-Tec Oils USC Series available soon

*  Hi-Tec Oils - Red Hot Summer Shoot-out available soon

*  Standard Club Supp Regs - for club event available soon

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